So, who benefits?
Fremont and the Tri-City
Of course, those who benefit most would be Fremontians and local Tri-City residents.
When looking for things to do, a night out, a small party, group or family events, the very first thing we look at is proximity - How far do we have to drive? How do we get there? How much is parking, bridge toll, etc.?
Local Economy
Dining out comes into play:
A performing arts center IN Fremont is a magnet for diners both before and after events. Local eateries could benefit from more foot traffic, but also higher end dining and other retail considerations will come into play.
SF Bay Area at large
With more access to local venues, traffic and wear and tear on our local freeways, bridges, and roads would be diminished. Residents in the Tri-City and surrounding areas will be able to stay closer to home when deciding a night out.
Local and traveling performing arts groups
Local performing and other arts related groups
Fremont Cultural Arts Council
Fremont Opera
Bay Philharmonic (formerly Fremont Symphony) - here over 50 years!
Made Up Theatre
StarStruck Theatre
And more!
Local Dance Schools
ASI Dance Elite
Academy of Chinese Performing Arts
Angela Van School of Ballet
Rachel’s Ballet
Tiffany’s Dance Academy
Yoko’s Dance and Performing Arts Academy
And more!
Other performing arts
Traveling performers
Second tier Cirque du Soleil troupes
Blue Man Group
Music Bands - Rock, jazz, country, Indian, Chinese, etc.
Stand-up comics
Celebrities like Kristi Yamaguchi promoting her “Always Dream Foundation” on an actual stage
Museums and public arts
Children's Natural History Museum
Museum of Local History
Fremont Cultural Arts Council
Local Artists
Government and other agencies
Fremont Unified School District
City of Fremont Economic Department
City of Fremont Parks and Recs
Fremont City Council
City, Regional, State and Federal debates or gatherings
Other considerations
IF a center were given proper support from the City it can be used for multiple purposes in our area. Not only performing arts (which needs to be kept in the focus) but for a plethora of other industries that are entrenched in our City and community.
Health Care
Health Care is a major part of our Downtown area with important hospitals and medical providers like Washington Hospital, Kaiser Permanente, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, etc. There are so many ways to bring more focus to these incredibly important businesses:
National Speaker series on current medical practices
Specialized practice announcements
Fundraising performances
Forums on Nutrition, Cancer Research, etc.
We are Silicon Valley North, aren't we?
Speaking engagements by Tesla, LAM, Apple (They did have a shop here at one point...), Delta, and others
Forums on Green/Clean industries
Nationally televised announcements of new technology from companies based here in Fremont
Fremont can be host to a number of high interest events and gatherings:
Fremont issue debates and forums
City Council debates and forums
Regional office debates and forums
Statewide debates and forums??? Why not?
Schools and local arts groups
Graduations can and probably should be still held at the respective schools as a right of passage, but there are many other events where schools could excel in their student character building offerings:
High School performing arts performances
School related competitions:
Spelling Bees
Dance School recitals and competitions
So many interests in our community and we are very diverse:
Cooking demonstrations or competitions like Iron Chef:
Ethnic focus
Dietary focus
Fun focus
Author Series
Performances for local Indian, Chinese, and other communities by traveling stars and celebrities
What else? Every time you leave Fremont or the surrounding area to attend an event, a performance, a dance recital/competition or any other event you are probably thinking “I wish it was closer”, or “I wish Fremont had something like this”, or something similar. Well, it can!